The Liquid Gold Colostrum Collection Kit contains everything you need to preserve your liquid gold. Colostrum is baby's first immunization and you don't want to lose one precious drop! Includes 10 syringes with caps in optimal 3ml and 5ml sizes, 50 ml Colostrum Container & 3 Breastmilk Freezer Bags for storing syringes in fridge or freezer. Universally threaded bottle fits most breast pumps that take standard bottles such as Ameda, but also works with pumps with wide mouth flanges with a wide to standard bottle adapter. You can also hand express colostrum directly into the container or draw up colostrum with the syringe directly from the nipple if desired. The 3ml and 5ml syringes are freezer safe when stored in freezer safe bags such as the ones included. These syringe sizes are optimal for early days feeding of colostrum as the typical amount of intake for a full term newborn infant on day 1-2 is 3-5ml per feeding. For reference, one teaspoon is just under 5ml (4.928).